Ethics & Values


Lex Laureate has set for its associates, high professional ethics and values. At Lex Laureate we maintain great standards of confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege is specially taken care of. We have got executed the required proper NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS with our Attorneys and Associates to safeguard the interest of our clients and keeping in view the long term relationships.

Our internal management and quality of work coupled with the expertise of the Associates gives us a quality strength which forms the very basis of trust and satisfaction of our clients.

In addition to the above we at Lex Laureate, have great religious tolerance and as a firm we are non political and we promote no religious or political views of any of our associates and therefore as an Indian Family we stand for Unity In Diversity.

We have created a collaborative culture where talented individuals, working together, can truly flourish and achieve great things.

Imaginative, independent thinking is not just encouraged, it’s expected.

We foster diverse viewpoints so that we can draw on a constant stream of new ideas to solve the toughest legal issues our clients face, wherever they are on the globe.

Because our culture is built on the idea that we can achieve extraordinary results by working creatively together, we can draw on the knowledge, experience and expert opinion of our people at a moment’s notice.

We are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals by providing commercially focused legal advice of the highest quality that will consistently exceed their expectations.

We ensure we can benefit our clients by combining the highest global standards of business and law with local excellence of service and by maintaining the depth, quality and scale of resources necessary to meet our clients’ needs whenever and wherever they arise.

We let our clients determine our success by their continued demand for our services.

We can say that our basic values have been at the foundation of Lex Laureate from its inception, and continue to guide our lawyers in providing service to our clients. These values dictate the Firm’s approach to every issue, internal or external, that it faces, and include:

INTEGRITY, both individually and institutionally, in dealings with our clients, the courts, our adversaries, and among ourselves;

A level of COMPETENCE which is marked by creativity and judgment that makes the quality and value of our services distinctive, and which our lawyers will enhance by continued professional growth;

A DEDICATION to our clients’ interests and an intensity of effort which distinguish our lawyers from others in the profession;

An INDEPENDENCE which does not detract from dedication to the interests of our clients but which always enables us to determine, and to advise, what is in the best interests of our clients;

COURAGE in representing our clients in hostile and sometimes individually threatening environments;

An UNDERSTANDING of our clients that makes us more sensitive to their concerns and objectives and a DISCIPLINE that makes us more responsive to their needs;

A DETERMINATION to provide quality legal services to our clients with real efficiency and within an organization structured to facilitate, rather than to impede, the achievement of these objectives;

A true UNITY OF PURPOSE among our lawyers which places the welfare of our clients and the Firm above that of any practice, region, office, or individual; and

COMMITMENT to this Firm as a professional endeavour, composed of people who have the same professional values and aspirations, the most important of which are contained in these principles.

We take time to understand our clients’ businesses so we can work as an extension of their team. We help them navigate a challenging global landscape through focused, innovative, high quality service. Clients come first at Lex Laureate.

Thus In a world where both business risks and opportunities are continuously evolving, Lex Laureate is a law firm that sees the whole picture and is dedicated and equipped to help clients across the spectrum of their critical business and legal issues.